What is the difference between the different mycotoxin tests?

The Mycotoxin Profile, MOE-TOX Complete Profile, and Body & Building Profile are three different approaches to diagnosing mycotoxin toxicity.

Just Measures Mycotoxins in the Body: Mycotoxin Profile

The Mycotoxin Profile measures for the presence of mycotoxins in the body, and is a valuable test on its own for determining whether or not a patient has been exposed to mycotoxins.

Measures Mycotoxins, Environmental Pollutants, and Organic Acids: MOE-TOX Complete Profile

If you want a full picture of toxic burden and the body's ability to process it, you'll want to order the MOE-TOX Complete Profile, which analyzes not only for mycotoxins but also for environmental pollutants and for organic acids, which inform your patient's ability to detox.

Measures Mycotoxins in the Body and in a Building, as well as Mold in a Building: Body & Building Profile

Get a look at both the patient and their home environment with the Body & Building Profile, which is useful if you suspect the source of the patient's mycotoxin exposure is their home or work environment. This tests not only for the presence of mycotoxins in the patient, but for the presence of molds and mycotoxins in one specific building using air filter or dust swab samples.